The website of Jose Gutstein, in Cuba gives a great abundance of useful information about the origins of Jewish Dunn's from Lithuania.The following is from his page on the surname Don, which is a variation of Dunn...
"DON was the second most common surname in Zasliai (trailing only KATS). There are literally hundreds of records, from various sources, bearing the surname in this town. Below is a sample of them, including those found in the 1854 Revision List, as well as the 1878 Trakai District Alphabetical List of Male Names. Many DON's from Zasliai and nearby towns immigrated to America and went through Ellis Island, and that list is included below. Also, included is the list of Pages of Testimony filed at Yad Vashem for persons memorializing a DON from Zasliai and environs.
NOTE: If you are a DON from Zasliai, or anywhere nearby, including Kaisiadorys (Koshedar), Ziezmariai (Zezmer), Rumsiskes (Rumshishok), Trakai (Troki), or even Kovno or Vilna, please contact me so I can try to figure out how we'd be related. The vast majority of DON families in the region between Kovno and Vilna have connections to Zasliai, and, given the extraordinary amount of DON's in Zasliai compared to other towns, they likely originated in Zasliai."