Hi Benjamin.
Ruth gave me your e-mail address.
My wife, B was a Dunn .... a third or fourth cousin to Ruth ..... never been able to work out the exact relationship !
Ruth tells me you have a Dunn family tree. Perhaps we can help each other.
B's father was David Dunn (siblings ... Milly, Nathan and Gelson (Gus)). Her grandfather was Harris Dunn (married to Betsy Levene).
Harris had 2 brothers .... Jacob & Lazarus. Their father was Moses Isaac Dunn (married to Fanny Sefton). Moses's father was David Dunn.
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The gravestone inscription reads: In Memory of our dear father | Morris Isaac Dunn who died 18th April 1896, aged 63. May his soul rest in peace. |
Hopefully you can fit this into your tree.
Yours 'expectantly'
Hello Stanley,
It is so lovely to hear from you! I was hoping Ruth had passed on my info to you.
When I read an old letter to my dad, which was written by Mary Horne (nee Dunn) around 1987, I came across the names Harris and Lazerus Dunn, a grocer and a master tailor. That was in September 2008. I have been wondering what became of them both since.
So your wife is one of descendants of Harris? Wow! I am a great grandson of Simon Dunn, originally Don.

He was a cousin of Harris, Lazarus and Jacob.
My grandfather was David Dunn, who was born in Punta Arenas, Chile in 1911. He married Yetta Hurst (Herscovich) back in 1938.

Yetta and David Dunn, 1938.
(Bridesmaid: Lillian Lonsdale,
Flower girl Dianne Jacobs)
Until now, the furthest back I had managed to go back with my Dunn ancestors was Simons father, Emanuel Don. But now it would appear that Emanuels father was the same David Dunn (Don) that you have in your records, father of Moses Isaac. That would make Moses and Emanuel brothers, would it not?
This is quite incredible that I now know who my great-great--great grandfather on the Dunn side was!
Thanks for getting in touch!
I also run a blog on Dunn family history, The Dunn Saga, which contains the letter from my dads Aunty Mary, Ruth and Stephens mum.
If you are on facebook, you are welcome to join our group, Descendants of Emanuel Don, as honourary members! I may have to changeu it's name now, as I have gone back one more antescendant!
Take care,
Benjamin Dunn
On Aug 21, 2011, at 10:26 AM, STANLEY HARTOG
Thank you for replying so quickly.
Although you are obviously related to my wife, the relationship itself may not be so clear.
You jump to the conclusion that Emanuel (your great great grandfather) and Moses were brothers. This may be true ..... BUT, Moses may have been Emanuel's uncle, as Emanuel seems to have been born in mid 1850's, and Moses in about 1834. This is the problem I have been having all along. Do you have any more information that could clarify this, please ?
Hi Stanley
I have done some calculations, from what you deduce that Emanuel was born in the 1850's, I would suggest he was born by at least 1842. He married for the 3rd time, aged 45 to a bride of 19, according to the letter below. My great grandfather Simon came to London from Vilna around 1895 however, not as the letter states in 1865/75. He was most likely born about 1875.
Emanuel and his wife, known so far only as S. Dunn had the first of four children, Harry E Dunn by January. 1888. Therefore they probably married in 1887 or late 1886. He was 45 by then, so 1842 seems a likely birth year.
His first wife is not named. His second, my great great grandmother was Riva Don nee Abelsson. This I know from the research of Las Vegas based distant cousin Jackie Shrout. She did lots of research around 1999. My great grandparents (included on three pictures below in various phases of their life) Simon Dunn and his wife Rebecca/Rivella were first cousins. Therefore Riva Abelsson was the daughter of an Epstein woman, I think Zlotta, without checking my chart. Either way Emanuel appears to have also married his cousin, as both are shown on my 36 page family tree (which goes back to Chaim and Golda Epstein, circa 1780) as cousins too.
So Emanuels 3rd wife, would have been born around 1868, give or take a year, if she was 19 in 1886/87. Meaning Simon was about 12 when his dad remarried, to the step-mother he did not get on with, and later ran away from.
Moses and Emanuel, if they were brothers had a closer age gap than you first reckoned, if Moses was born circa 1834, and Emanuel some 8 or 9 years later in 1842/43. But then again the possibilty of them being nephew and uncle is there, considering women could have a 25-30 year "career" bearing children, from say 18 to 48, when the oldest is 30 and the youngest a babe in arms!
I'll leave you to mull it over, in the meantime have you seen the website which is run by Jose Gutstein, from Cuba? It's atwww.gutstein.net and he has a section on Dons/Dunns etc including Lithuanian census transcripts and New York Ellis Island Immigration records. I did see an Isaac Dunn/Don and a Moshe Dun there earlier. Maybe these were your wife's ancestors?
Hope it helps
Thanks for detailed reply. Where did you get the information on Emanuel Dunn's marriages ..... do you know where they took place ?
Morris (Moses) and Emanuel were probably brothers .... but it's still not conclusive. Simon was definitely born 1874/5... he died in 1943 at age 68.
He was Emanuel's OLDEST son. If Emanuel was born in 1842, he would have been 32 when his fist child was born ..... very unusual in those days, but possible.
I've attached a picture of Morris (Moses) Isaac Dunn's gravestone ....... at Edmonton Federation Cemetery.
It seems that your great granparents, Simon & Rebecca, are buried at East Ham Cemetery. I'll take pictures next time I am there, and send them on to you.

Rebecca and Simon with their youngest son David and his nephew Warner, their first Grandchild.
Still puzzling !!!